We are excited to announce a new update to our
product reviews widget
! With this update, we are introducing a new layout option that allows you to customize the way your product reviews are displayed on your website. You now have the choice to display your reviews in either a
grid or list
The grid format allows you to display reviews in a visually pleasing and easy-to-scan format, with each review appearing in its own tile. This format is
perfect for showcasing multiple reviews at once
and highlighting key information such as the reviewer's name, rating, and comments. This can be useful for users who are quickly looking for an overview of the product and its reviews.
The list format, on the other hand, displays reviews in a more traditional, linear format. This format is perfect for users who want to read reviews in more detail, as it allows them to easily scroll through the reviews and see all of the information included in each one.
Overall, the new layout option for product reviews gives you more flexibility to customize the way your reviews are displayed, making it even easier for your visitors to find the information they need. We hope you enjoy this new feature and welcome your feedback on how it can be improved.
In order to change the layout, navigate to the "review widget settings" in the settings of WiseReviews. Within the "product reviews" section, the layout can be changed to either
grid or list view.